08/03/14 19:00:00

My LaunchBar Actions So Far

I dipped my toes into LaunchBar Action development, after we recorded our Objective Development episode on Der Übercast.

Sadly I was not able to work on LaunchBar stuff earlier because I was busy with other things.

I find LB Actions very interesting. They are the answer to what Alfred calls Extensions and they are shaped in a similar fashion. Obviously things are different in LaunchBar and Alfred. I personally can’t recommend one over the other. Both are solid and fantastic apps, but it’s not the topic of this post to discuss these matters.

I wrote some basic LaunchBar Actions to get me started. I also took this as an opportunity to give my LaunchBar Scripts repository on GitHub a major overhaul. If you want to use the repo at this point, please be careful. I’m still figuring out the best way for you to pull updates easily so you always have the new, fresh, and shiny stuff.

My LaunchBar Actions So Far

As of writing this post I have created four Actions, with one being an accidental duplicate of an existing one.

Feel free to send contributions to my repo as pull requests or report bugs as issue.