08/12/11 19:15:05

Rename/Delete Client Groups in Billings

I have a group in Billings named “Previous Clients” where I keep all, well, previous clients. Unfortunately I mistyped “Previous” and wrote “Prevoius”.
Renaming directly from the sidebar wasn’t possible. Not by double clicking, nor click-and-holding, nor right clicking, nor by staring at the thing angrily. I tried not to bother about it for a couple of months but eventually contacted their support.

This was their answer (paraphrased):

Open Preferences, go toLabels and there you’ll see a list of Client Groups with editable items. Rename with a double click, delete a group pressing the minus button on the bottom.

That’s too obvious, isn’t it? I’d like to share this post with every suffering Billings user who has the same problems.
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