07/04/11 12:43:09

Release: Keyboard Maestro 5

One of my absolutely most favorite productivity tools has just been released in a new major version. Keyboard Maestro is an app that can save you a huge amount of time. Just by opening folders via shortcut Keyboard Maestro… I mean think of it. How much time do you spend every day just by navigating to default folders?
I have about 5 folders set up to open with Keyboard Maestro quickly. Paula’s and my shared Dropbox folder, my Dropbox public folder, Trunk Notes, and my Archive folder where all my client projects live in. They are only available in the Finder, which means I can re-use these shortcuts in other applications.

Yes, I’m excited!

See what’s new here, but be warned, the list is long. Very long.

The sheer ability of this should get you sold:


I just upgraded and had a brief look at the new features. Oh. My. God. Control Flow is awesome!