06/06/11 22:31:55

Working on making Mac OS X Screencasts even better

You know that I constantly try to make the experience of Mac OS X Screencasts even better. There are a couple of projects running in the background. One are premium screencasts (I call them “In-Depth Tutorials”) another one are the videos themselves.

Currently older screencasts won’t play on an iPad due to the encoding settings I was using at that time. (Remember, there was no iPad when I started. ;) )
A while ago a friend has offered to use his computing powers to reencode all of those screencasts. This project just got serious1 and I hope it will be done in about 1 or 2 months from now on.
This also means that I’m going to replace the video player (once again) on Mac OS X Screencasts.com, which means it’ll be an HTML5 (Yay!) player that falls back to a Flash player rather than a Flash player that has an HTML5 fallback.

In case you want to thank my friend. I think he would be quite happy if you would use his software. mlbackup - rsync based backup solution for server administrators.
Also don’t forget to follow on Twitter.

  1. I got SSH secured VNC access to an encoding slave machine.