06/02/11 10:52:28

Things to follow in Minecraft

I’m quite impressed with all the things that are going on in the Minecraft universe.
The Shaft1 podcast:

It’s like LEGO, but digital. Of course it’s great!

Two things that are great:

Paul Soares Jr.

Paul is an old man playing Minecraft with his kids. I think that’s the right thing to do to make your kids become media aware and prepare them for their future. (Plus they are learning some things like being creative or to take care of each other.)
In case you don’t know what to watch from his channel. I would recommend watching Minecraft Mom. (She’s not as bad as Minecraft Chick.)

Minecraft Teacher

He’s playing Minecraft at school with his kids. They seem to have a lot of fun while learning things. He also built an (awesome) tutorial world that you can download.
But he also recorded this birthday serenade2:

Aren’t they cute? Awwwww!


Tutorials on how to build things in Minecraft. He just gets how this game works and comes up with unique solutions like a Minecraft Vending Machine3:


  1. Subscribe, they are doing a really really great show! 

  2. Happy birthday, Notch! 

  3. Which can now be built easier using Powered Rails

  4. In case you didn’t get it from this writing: Subscribe to The Shaft podcast!