05/09/11 16:18:23

Mega big awesome news

I’m quite happy to announce:

I’ve just submitted my Master Thesis to my university. This means almost a year’s work has come to an end. A work I’m proud of.
I’m going to publish the thesis, hopefully soon, on my personal blog. Don’t worry the thesis is written entirely in English.1

This basically means one thing:

More time for screencasts! Expect some new screencasts the next couple of weeks. This week however, I’ll be off in Vienna meeting some friends at CocoaHeads AT and then some chilling. ;)

  1. The thesis is entitled “From audience to participant”. I wrote a plugin that manipulates audio in realtime. I gave control to this plugin to some people in my audience while I was DJing. This way we could have some live interaction music thing going on. The plugin was controlled via Wiimotes and iPhones. The participants gave their Wiimote to another person after a while. That was a lot of fun.