02/15/13 14:18:00

GarageBuy 3 is now available: adds a rather shiny intro video and syncs over iCloud


We produced a screencast/trailer for iwascoding’s eBay search client. I’m personally really happy how it turned out. From the feedback I’ve gotten people seem to like it too.

I’ll post a screencast over at Mac OS X Screencasts to give some more details about the project and to show some of the features I couldn’t talk about.

GarageBuy is different from eBay’s own search for a couple of reasons.

First it’s a phenomenal powerful eBay search client! GarageBuy is great to find offers on eBay because it allows to narrow search results to only a couple of items, so you can get yourself a great deal.

Second, it syncs with a desktop version over iCloud (even the version not from the Mac App Store). Bidding is built right in. It uses eBay’s API. No third parties are involved. Everything is secure and handled through eBay.

Best of all it’s free. (Don’t worry they have a business model that generates money.)

Version 3 adds iCloud to its set of features. It’s really cool. You’re on the road and wonder what a new iPad would cost on eBay. So you take your iPhone and start searching. The bus arrives, and you can’t finish your search. Luckily iCloud syncs in the background. You arrive at your Mac desktop, start the app and now you have all the screen estate needed to build really complex searches without compromise.

Hint: Take a look at the search configuration and its advanced settings.

GarageBuy is available on iPhone, iPad and OS X.


A couple of people made this video possible:

Lastly thanks to iwascoding for making the app and letting us do their trailer. I hope you enjoy it!