11/09/12 09:00:12

Next screencasts: your feedback wanted!

I’m currently trying to figure out which longer screencast to do next. To find out whether a project will be successful I use several products, e.g. Google Trends and Google’s Keyword Tool. Most important is "human generated" feedback, which may be the tipping point for a project. I did Hazel, because I just had to. People wanted it.

Therefore I would really appreciate if you take the time and answer below what app you are most interested in seeing a longer-ish tutorial.
You can also tweet me at @macscreencasts, Google+ or Facebook me.

What’s your most confusing/favorite/best app? What thing about your Mac/iPhone do you have most problems with and want to have someone tell you about?

I’m giving a couple of my favorite options as example.

These options on Google Trends.

  1. Let’s not start the “you can’t manage your time”-discussion here, OK?