February 2013

02/28/2013 15:07:00


‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ assimilates theaters on April 25th


02/23/2013 22:00:51

PS4 Announcement - Abridged Version (by VideoGamerTV)

Spot on.

via @gonknoggin

02/20/2013 22:00:38


Plot charts in the terminal with arbitrary streaming or non-streaming data.

02/19/2013 22:00:26

TouchEdit a Professional Video Editing App for iPad

TouchEdit is a revolutionary app for video editors. It allows editing of video material in very high quality on: an iPad. I saw this in January and been waiting for its approval since.

It has many features video editors have been looking for (taken from App Store page):

Editing high quality video with external monitoring and export to Final Cut XML is why this app stands apart from other “professional” editing apps.

Everything’s not just great, some things are not so great. As many other “pro” apps, TouchEdit lacks a really shiny interface. I’m not saying it’s ugly either, just that some polish is missing.

The price is also clearly set for professional use: $50.

Download TouchEdit

02/18/2013 23:01:15

Share Finder Files on Dropbox More Securely (Keyboard Maestro, Alfred, LaunchBar)


I’ve just pushed a new script to my LaunchBar (and Alfred and Keyboard Maestro1) Scripts repo: Share on Dropbox (API).

The script is “based”2 on Share on Dropbox. Share on Dropbox takes the Finder selection, moves the files to a folder on your Dropbox locally and then uses their name to generate their public link.

While this is all fine and good for most cases, it’s not very secure. If you want to share files from a current project that can’t be public, you still have to do some work on your own.

Ever since Dropbox introduced their Share URLs I wanted something that uses their API. The reason is that these URLs are generated whenever a file is shared. This way it becomes very hard for a potential attacker to simply guess a file’s name.

Unfortunately I’m not smart. Without Andrea Fabrizi’s Dropbox-Uploader, which is actually a Dropbox client, if you will, by itself, this wouldn’t be possible. It can do list, get quota, get share URL, upload and download. So it does way more than I need, but it does what I want, easy enough so that it becomes usable for a DAU like me. It is not as secure as if all tokens3 were saved to a secure storage like Keychain, but it’s good enough.

Share on Dropbox (API) takes the files selected in Finder and uses Dropbox-Uploader to upload the files to a folder that you can define. Note that because this is all done trough the API, the file will be downloaded once it’s uploaded.
The script will remember the file names and use them in the second step to, again, use Dropbox-Uploader to get their Share URLs.

Doing it this way was actually necessary. The script can’t just move a file into ~/Dropbox/Shared Files/ and get a Share URL (which would be quicker) before the upload has finished. It would have to find some intelligent way to magically tell when the upload is done. Therefore it’s best to use the API for upload already.

Also note that after each upload is done, every file will be deleted from the Finder and moved to the Trash. The original script moved the files to Dropbox in order to share them. I figured users want to have similar functionality from a similar script.

  1. I hope you’re not getting tired of this. 

  2. Not really since this is almost entirely new. 

  3. You need to setup your own app at Dropbox for this (which is a piece of cake

02/18/2013 22:00:43

iExplorer: Access All Files on iPhone. No Jailbreak Required.

I wanted to give an update on my progress getting all my music back on to the new iPhone.

It turned out to be very painless!

"Before giving the old phone away, I made a local backup of my iPhone data.2 I plan to use iphonebackupextractor to get to my data. As soon as there’s a way to access/jailbreak the iPhone 5, I’m going to manually replace the directory contents so I can get my music back."

As you may have heard, evasi0n has been released two weeks ago. That was the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. I wouldn’t want to even start tinkering without a working jailbreak solution. I figured it would frustrate me.

Sadly I wouldn’t have to wait. iExplorer by Macroplant is an app that can access all your phone’s data without jailbreak! It’s pretty cool. On the right is a list with all your apps. You just pick one and just drag & drop files to transfer them. This way I was able to get all my music back into the apps.

iExplorer is also a great, indispensable, tool for app developers as it’s not only useful to get data onto the device, but also off the device. If a file is corrupt or a developer needs a specific preference, temporary, or other file from the device, iExplorer is the easiest tool to use.

Developers will want to pick the Retail version, priced at $49.99. Home users will probably pick Basic at $34.99.


02/15/2013 22:00:25

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard (by The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) documentary

02/15/2013 14:18:00

GarageBuy 3 is now available: adds a rather shiny intro video and syncs over iCloud


We produced a screencast/trailer for iwascoding’s eBay search client. I’m personally really happy how it turned out. From the feedback I’ve gotten people seem to like it too.

I’ll post a screencast over at Mac OS X Screencasts to give some more details about the project and to show some of the features I couldn’t talk about.

GarageBuy is different from eBay’s own search for a couple of reasons.

First it’s a phenomenal powerful eBay search client! GarageBuy is great to find offers on eBay because it allows to narrow search results to only a couple of items, so you can get yourself a great deal.

Second, it syncs with a desktop version over iCloud (even the version not from the Mac App Store). Bidding is built right in. It uses eBay’s API. No third parties are involved. Everything is secure and handled through eBay.

Best of all it’s free. (Don’t worry they have a business model that generates money.)

Version 3 adds iCloud to its set of features. It’s really cool. You’re on the road and wonder what a new iPad would cost on eBay. So you take your iPhone and start searching. The bus arrives, and you can’t finish your search. Luckily iCloud syncs in the background. You arrive at your Mac desktop, start the app and now you have all the screen estate needed to build really complex searches without compromise.

Hint: Take a look at the search configuration and its advanced settings.

GarageBuy is available on iPhone, iPad and OS X.


A couple of people made this video possible:

Lastly thanks to iwascoding for making the app and letting us do their trailer. I hope you enjoy it!

02/14/2013 17:45:00

OmniFocus's Focus mode in Scrivener

A couple of minutes ago @MSchechter tweeted:

> “@ScrivenerApp Thanks for jumping in and never forget, I’ll marry you all if you ever create a “focus mode” for the binder.”

I responded that Collections is the way to go in Scrivener, but Michael replied that it’s not as fluidly as OmniFocus’s focus feature. He’s right. I stated boldly that Keyboard Maestro could make a Focus macro.

Well…long story short.

To use this. Select some documents in Scrivener and activate Focus In. Selected documents will be added to a new Collection named Focus. Once done with focusing, execute Focus Out and the Collection will be automatically removed. (In fact any current Collection will get removed)

These two macro are controlled with ⇧⌘F to “Focus In” and a slightly different key combination ⇧⌥F to “Focus Out”.

Focus Out needs some manual adjustment since it uses the Move and Click action to click the minus button in Scrivener’s sidebar to remove the Collection Focus In creates. This sidebar has a manual width.

To find your right sidebars’ width select the two last actions in this macro and click Toggle Enable (⌃⌘E). Set the action to Move only and execute the macro. Try to set the X value to where your minus button appears. You shouldn’t have to adjust Y. After that enable the disabled actions and try it out.

With these macros you can move Scrivener’s window around. The clicking happens relatively to the top left window corner.

Just make sure not to select a different Collection. This macro will always delete without confirmation whatever collection is highlighted! If you accidentally selected a Collection you intended to hang on to…well…it’s gone.



02/12/2013 22:00:36

App Usage Tracker with Keyboard Maestro

Here’s another nugget I (apparently) never shared on this blog for tracking time spent on something.

Keyboard Maestro has a nifty trigger for “every time an app activates”. This can be used to write the current time plus some more information to a variable, which is then written to a file. This way you can track the time spent using a specific app.

The result of this action is saved to a different variable, which is embedded in a different macro to write the variable containing all that time information to a file:

Note: Set this group of macros to disabled if you’re not using it. Otherwise Keyboard Maestro will continue adding stuff to the variable and its memory usage is going to increase gradually.

You can also directly append text to the file by using:

echo "$KMVar_KMTimeTracker" >> $HOME/Desktop/Application\ Usage.txt

This would make the second macro unnecessary, but also put more pressure on hard disk writes. There’s also less memory being used.

You can improve this even further by adding a delay check. So that app switches that take less than 5 seconds (so you’re actually spending time in the app) are not counted. You do this by adding a new variable that reads “Current Application” to a variable. After a delay you add an if to see if the current app is still the current app…

You also might want to add a similar macro that writes to a variable when you left an app.

I stop writing now. Too many ideas.1



  1. Mad scientist with an emphasis on mad. 

02/06/2013 10:47:14

Tapatalk receives a solid 2.0 update. Version 1 down to $0.89.

Tapatalk has just been released as version 2. Tapatalk is an app that was on iOS almost ever since it existed. (May 2010) I’ve been using it back then to check on some forums I was visiting regularly. Many forums now integrate with Tapatalk and the number is ever increasing.

The app looks much better now. If you’re into forums and discussion check it out.

Tapatalk 2 for iPhone is $5.

Tapatalk 1 (Universal) has dropped in price and Tapatalk 1 HD is still $5.

I assume the HD version will become a 2.0 at some point. There’s no mention about their plans though.

02/05/2013 22:00:28

Words Matter is musiXmatch’s new ad for its lyrics catalog. It’s a nice ad, a lot of sophisticated edits. Some motion tracking here and there and motion graphics. Not bad, musiXmatch.

Their app is available for free on iOS and $5 on OS X.

02/05/2013 11:12:53

Automate Notification Center with Keyboard Maestro

I’ve just been reading this great tip over at TUAW. So I’ve revisited "Turn off Notification Center while your working macro" macro as well and changed it accordingly. The new method is more stable because the Notification Center’s current state can be measured with a defaults read. My previous solution could only “invert” whatever state Notification Center was currently in. The download has been updated as well.

Toggle Notification Center’s current state:

-- read current state
set notificationState to do shell script "defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturb"

-- turn NC on/off
if notificationState contains "0" then
    do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturb -boolean true"
else if notificationState contains "1" then
    do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturb -boolean false"
end if

-- tell NC when it was toggled (required)
set theDate to quoted form of (do shell script "date +\"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S +0000\"")
do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturbDate -date " & theDate 

-- restart NC process for changes to take effect
do shell script "killall NotificationCenter"

Similarly you can set NC on or off using this:

do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturb -boolean true"
set theDate to quoted form of (do shell script "date +\"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S +0000\"")
do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui.*.plist doNotDisturbDate -date " & theDate 
do shell script "killall NotificationCenter"

02/05/2013 08:12:00

MultiMarkdown Composer 2: An anecdotal story from yesterday

MultiMarkdown Composer 2 has just been released. A great update for the OS X Markdown editor. Our new illustrator just started working yesterday and she complained about the “flatness” of our documentation that we use internally. I showed her Marked and she said “now that looks much better”. I installed MultiMarkdown Composer and now she’s able to “keep up” with the rest of the team. It’s true! MultiMarkdown Composer is so easy to use that she’s now able to write Markdown, but don’t know Markdown. This way I get to keep my sanity and she can have typography. The world is good again.

MultiMarkdown Composer 2 is a solid update that adds a bunch of features. You can rearrange text by clicking in the TOC inspector. Listen to Systematic #29 for a short interview with the creator of MultiMarkdown and MultiMarkdown Composer, Fletcher Penney. Gabe was the first who wrote about it. Read his post for another point of view.

MultiMarkdown Composer 2 download.